
Travel insights for 2025: The 6 forces shaping customer behaviour

By Perfect Storm

Travel is undergoing rapid transformation as major shifts reshape customer behaviour and decision-making. There are a number of key factors driving this change:

  • AI and Technology: Accelerating the speed and convenience of travel decisions.
  • Geopolitical Changes: Shifting political landscapes are influencing travel preferences.
  • Global Conflicts: Ongoing crises in Ukraine and the Middle East are affecting the global economy.
  • Climate Crisis: Continues to play a pivotal role in how consumers plan and prioritize travel.

With over 15 years experience partnering with leading travel businesses, Perfect Storm has brought together a unique community of travel experts to create its groundbreaking new research:

The insights in this report have come directly from a growing community of C-Suite business leaders from the travel industry and cover the key challenges they face.

  • Seasonality – How it’s changing and affecting business operations?
  • First party data – How it’s being leveraged to acquire and retain customers?
  • Technology + emerging channels – What key channels and tech are a focus for 2025?
  • ESG – How are ESG and sustainability considerations influencing business decisions?
  • Political shifts – How are businesses having to adapt to new political influences?
  • Product Evolution – How are products being developed to enhance customer experience?
  • Creativity – How is it being harnessed, tested and experimented with in the future?

It’s a report that has been built by travel marketers, for travel marketers to help brands gain a strategic edge in 2025.

It’s free to download here, we’d love to hear your feedback if you’re a travel industry expert.

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